Holocaust Reading Group Open to the Public
“The History of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust”
Dr Jean-Marc Dreyfus (Reader in Holocaust Studies)
Venue and times: Manchester Jewish Museum, 5pm -7pm (directions). DATE FOR THE LONG NIGHT READING TBC
New trends in academic Holocaust studies will be presented and discussed in a friendly atmosphere. We will meet in the Manchester Jewish Museum to explore representative pieces of recent scholarship on the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism, which participants will be expected to have read in advance of each meeting. The meetings will be guided by Dr Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Reader in Holocaust Studies at Manchester University, who will also provide electronic access to the set texts. Please contact Dr Dreyfus to register.
Readings will include chapters from the following books: Ernst Bornstein, The Long Night. A True Story; Götz Ali, Final Solution; Michael Marrus, Lessons from the Holocaust; Robert Jan van Pelt, The Case for Auschwitz. Evidence from the Irving Trial; Christopher Mauriello, Forced Confrontation. The Politics of Dead Bodies in Germany at the End of World War II; and Avinoam Patt, Michael Berkowitz, ‘We are here’. New Approaches to Jewish Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany’.
Programme for 2017
24 October
7 November
14 November
21 November
28 November
5 December (TBC)
Please note: Registration is compulsory.
More info at http://www.manchesterjewishstudies.org/holocaust-reading-group/