“I was sent off by the Nazi beasts to a camp in Germany. There we built the motorway. Afterwards I was sent from one camp to another and I witnessed the suffering and death of many Zawiercie Jews. In 1943, after many wanderings, I arrived in the camp of Märkstadt (30 km from Breslau-Wratislav). There were many Zawiercie Jews there. The conditions for many of them were very harsh and inhumane. Also there, one of the most beloved young men of Zawiercie, Lipa Shpeizer, passed away. Avrohom Habermann and Tchebiner, the eldest of the Tchebiner brothers (a brother-in-law of Yoske Yoskowics) also died in the Märkstadt camp. Tchebiner was taken away on a transport, to destruction. In Märkstadt I also met my uncle, Leib Libermentch, who arrived there in 1942. His wife and a one year old child were sent by the Nazis to Auschwitz. He was murdered by the SS a few hours before the liberation by the Americans (April 1945). He lies in a mass grave in Eggenfelden (Bayern, Germany).
At the camp I was assigned to work together with a German socialist, a Nazi opponent. Thanks to him I was able to keep up correspondence with my parents, who were still living in the Zawiercie Ghetto. Thanks to him, I was also able to help fellow Zawiercie residents, such as Hersh Hochberger and Mordechai Shlechter. Sadly, both of them perished during the last weeks of the war, in the year 1945.”