Electric fence at Fünfteichen
“At the end of 1943, a new department was formed near the camp where I was incarcerated with the name “the Fünfteichen camp”. Many Zawiercie residents ended up there. I took advantage of the kindness and gentleness of my colleague and protector, the humane German, Wilhelm Hermann. He took me to the workplace where the Zawiercie residents worked – under the pretext that we must carry out some work there. That way I was able to meet up with many acquaintances – amongst them: Yisroel Hermann and my uncles Yoske Meisels and Hillel Zimmerman. We were strictly forbidden from talking to each other, but we ignored this. Under great danger Yisroel Hermann nevertheless spoke to me. He told me about the ghetto and about Auschwitz. As he started telling me about my father’s last will, may his death be avenged, (with whom he was in the death camp Auschwitz) – an S.S. man suddenly arrived and pulled me away from him and started hitting me because I was conversing with an inmate. A couple of days later Hermann died from a terrible beating. After the above incident with the S.S. man I had not had the chance to speak with him or see him. My uncles too died a few weeks later from beatings.”